Hugs & Gifts

James 1:17 Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. NIV

Hugs, Gifts & Home  

I love gifts and hugs! I suppose it’s the little girl in me still running to the fridge to see if Daddy left candy in the little brown bag.  Of course, he did but until I saw it, my little heart beat wildly!  “There, it is!” I squealed and always enough for everyone.  A big smile covered my face, and a hug covered my heart.  Cherished moments like these are never forgotten.

Mom was always near-by to hand it to us if we couldn’t quite reach it. She always gave the softest hugs! We never really wanted more than this, hugs and candy. Somehow beyond the door and the fridge when Mom gave that hug, and we held daddy’s candy… we knew we were home.. nothing could be better!

With my arms open wide I invite you in, as we make heart hug moments together in time.  My prayer is that you will not only hear the words as you read but feel the love and encouragement from my heart to yours.

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