
Glenda Joyce Brock Andrus enjoyed a rich southern heritage growing up in the bustling town of Bogalusa, Louisiana.
She married a young handsome preacher, Royce Andrus and early on they moved to the East Coast where they discovered their heart’s passion, helping others find, “Hope”.
This past year Glenda wrote a Christmas gift book entitled, HOPE Wrapped in Brokenness. HOPE, became the recommended book by Amazon and best seller for many of the Christmas holidays. It tells the beloved story of a blue broken nativity set, interspersing gems of love and faith throughout. It is well written and combined with beautiful artwork earns a coffee-table spot of its own, especially at Christmas time.

Glenda fell in love with Ann Voskamp’s books, and many have commented her writing reminds them of Ann’s books. So if you enjoy reading the best selling author and award winning, Ann Voskamp’s books, you will without a doubt enjoy Glenda’s touch of emotional writing in, HOPE.

Another recommended book of Glenda’s is entitled, Parenting With Purpose. If you are a parent or teacher trying to find ways to bring out the gifts and leadership in your children, you will find, Parenting With Purpose, brimming with ideas at every stage and age from birth to eighteen. Glenda included an appendix of helps which could be a small book of it’s own.
While this book was written for easy reading it is laid out for teaching classes with questions at the end of each of the seven chapters. It is a great book for teaching Parenting classes for transitional guidance. It is a book offering helps to those parents coming from prison, or divorce and also recommended for a bed- side parents guide book. It is a Parenting Manual offering Purpose for the Parent as well as the child, and if followed well offers success and Hope for all.

Today, beside a busy highway extending to the Atlantic Ocean, Lighthouse Christian Center, stands as a Beacon of Light to this vast Eastern Shore. Pastor Royce and Glenda birthed this church over forty years ago and continually reaches out to offer Hope to all.