Ye are the Light In the beginning God spoke, “Let there be Light” and darkness yielded. Light filled the heavens. God sprinkled the heavens with stars and called each by name. “And as sta...Read More
Shine – A Hiding Place I have found in Him a hiding place. This past week, I was mulling across some of my daughter, Shiloh’s audio stories from her car. She had stacks in plas...Read More
Shine – A Mother’s Love A woman was found after the tsunami in Japan that stopped the reporters dead in their tracks. While searching for bodies that could be pulled out of the rubbish a...Read More
Shine, A Star I shall see him, but not now; I shall behold him but now nigh; there shall come a Star out of Jacob, and a Sceptre shall rise out of Israel, and shall smite the corners of Moa...Read More
Stars of Happiness and Success Building Strong Marriages and Leadership for Marriage and Leadership (introduction) Both need the ingredients similar to nurturing a beautiful budding Rose. Star of Prot...Read More
Why Stars and Kites? My Life On Hold It was another freezing north eastern winter. What was I, a southern girl, doing in Milford, Delaware anyway? These questions flooded my mind as I desperate...Read More