
Faith in Heavenly Father…  the anchor for the soul

“My Mother’s Heart is always My home”

Aww Home!  Alas, my soul can rest.

Home to me was where my mother and dad were…

  My mother and dad made our home the solace from the world outside! It was our hiding place when we were weary! Even if I had done something wrong, this was my safe place. I knew I could count on Mom. My mother’s arms and heart of Love were always open wide to her children.  We could count on her to be … our safe place, our resting place.

My mother made the best fried chicken you have ever tasted. Banana pudding, and moist crème coconut cake, never disappointing.    She did it all smiling for that was her love language that went straight to our heart.

 Memories of my dad’s kind voice firm yet, gentle; still brings an ache to my heart.  My dad though blind, would hear our voice as we entered our home place  and I still can hear him call my name with tender love. When it was time to leave, after I kissed mom and dad good-bye, I remember so well the waiting.  Though so much time has passed, even now I get that knot in the pit of my stomach and tears start to come, as I reflect on those moments waiting to hear his voice once more.  I remember lingering in the hallway just passed his bedroom, the stillness, … and always faithful as the clock, Dad called our name once more.  He could not see for sure if we had gone.  Oh, how my heart aches to linger one more time in the hallway and hear that familiar voice calling my name… “ Glenda, Oh Glenda you still here?”       

Our Heavenly Father seeks us out and helps us find rest in Him.  In His arms we are free from the harshness of the world, from the pressing down.  He lifts us up and holds us tight and there we rest through the long night. There we stay until the storm has passed and calmness is all around.  

One day our loving father shall lift us FOREVER away from the cares of this present earth.  For this life floats as a leaf caressed in the wind and swiftly passes by. Yes, one day we shall kiss those around us goodbye and be lifted as a feather to fly.  As we linger near our final home. may we hear the gentle voice of our father near, “Oh Glenda are you here?”  We will never say goodbye anymore, but safe we will be within the arms of our heavenly father.

Alas, Home forevermore!

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